Welcome to the performance report of the juunijawaan.blogspot.com/ website

Ugu horeyn waxa ey mahad balaaran u sugnaatay allaha iwaafajiyay in aan aasaaso website ka https://juunijawaan.blogspot.com/ kaasoo aan ugu tala galay in aan kusoo bandhigo koorsooyin waxbarasho ah taasoo aan rajeynaayo in ey bulshada dan yarta ah u noqon doonto shaqo abuur si ey u maareeyaan nolol maalmeed kooda, sidoo kale websiteka waxa aan kusoo bandhigi doonaa fikrado ku saleysan talooyin iyo tusaale yaal kuwaasoo aan ugu talo galay in aan ku hor mariyo dhaqaalaha dalka fikradaheyga inta badan waxa aan ku taageeri doonaa soomaalida inta shaqeyso gaar ahaan kuwa ganacsiyada yayar leh ama xoogsatada ah ama soosaaro nolol maalmeedkooda si ey u hormariyaan dhaqaalahooda ugu dambeyn waxa aan u mahad celinayaa dhamaan asxaabta kuxiran bejajka website keenna wixi fikrado talooyin iyo tusaale yaal ah comantiga noogu reeba waa inoo muhiim si aan wax uga badalno dhaqaale xumada kajirta dalkeenna mar labaad waxaan idi lee yahay mahadsanidiin
First of all, I would like to thank God for allowing me to establish a website called junijawaan.com, which I intend to offer educational courses, which I hope will create jobs for the underprivileged community to manage their daily lives. . Also, on the website, I will present some ideas for recommendations and an example that I intend to promote the country’s economy. My ideas will mostly be loved by Somalis, especially those who have small businesses or workers or make a living. to develop their economy in the future, I would like to thank all the friends who have linked to our website for any ideas, suggestions and examples from your comments are important for us to change the economic situation in our country. Thank you again.